-You must post these rules
-Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
-Answer the questions that tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer
-You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
-Go to their page and tell them HIM/HER
-No tag back!
-No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.
11 things about me :D
- from family Tan
- all my friend call me mea or meyy
- bitter 16 - hard to be 16 girl D:
- from Lahad Datu, Sabah ---> but live in Kluang, Johor
- born on 22 October :)
- single bebe !
- have 2 sister :D
- one of Canossian Covent girl
- The stuborn one in my siblings
- DOMO lover
- Anti Angry Bird
Questions from MyBebeh [Memeii] <3
1. What the cleanser you use everday?
- Oxy
2. Couple/single? (if couple, name the lucky boy/girl, if single, who are the person you interest)
- single bebe :D
3. Who the person you hate? Why.
- All My Ex ----> because they broken my heart . Nowpe ! ><"
4. What kind the perfume you love?
- soft :D
5. Hate pimples or getting black?
- getting black !
6. What the personality you are?
- maybe --> stuborn
7. Who are you always sms with?
- no more sms , my hp always silent :\ sometime sms with myfriend .
8. Justin bieber or ME?
- if i choice both ? nowpe ! u more important darling :*
9. Your wishes.
- i wish -----> i can back Sabah and continue my school at there ang more credit SPM :\
10. What the things you want to buy now.
- new dress please ! :|
Soalan dari Kiki Jie
1. Science or Math?
- i hate both -.-
2. Perkara yang paling happy?
- holiday :D
3. Perkara yang paling sedih?
- tinggalkan sabah !
4. Siapa paling korang sayang?
- family and friend ku !
5. Korang tengah buat apa?
- siapkan tag dari kiki :P
6. Apa lha cita-cita korang?
- hair stylist bbe :D
7. Berapa lha pasang kasut/selipar yang korang ada? aiya, menyusahkan pula. :p
- tak pernah kira :O
8. Almari korang paling banyak baju colour?
- aku rasa smua ada kowt . kecuali oren :P
9. Kalau masa leh berputar apa korang maw buat?
- kembali ke masa form 1-3 :d
10. Apa kunun rahsia korang? xP
- dha namanya rahsia , mana leh bagitau ;p
My Question :D
1. Cat or Dog ?
2. Single or Couple ?
3. What time did you wake up today ?
4. Name something you CANNOT wait for ?
5. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?
6. What's your real name ?
7. What was your last phone call ?
8. What did you do for your last birthday?
9. What do you like about yourself ?
10. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
11 people ---> tag you bbe :D
Kelly Chia | Benbenn Tiramishu | Trisha Tan | Nazatul Nazyra | Ann Tiramishu | Lizel Tiramishu | Chenta Bella | Chaledak Sheilla |Atin Chungky | Putry Nazeha PurpLekik-x | Elle
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